Ease of Doing Solar Report 2022 – Country Solar Energy Profiles

International Solar Alliance (ISA), a coalition of 116 countries, works to address energy needs and challenges of its Member Countries and scale up solar through multiple flagship interventions. Ease of Doing Solar (EoDS) is one such initiative that was conceptualized to monitor progress of the solar ecosystem across ISA’s member countries. Based on extensive data research and analysis, the annual EoDS report presents information on seven key drivers (macroeconomy, policy enablers, technological feasibility, market maturity, infrastructure, financing ecosystem, and energy imperatives) and multiple indicators in each member country.

Insights from the report are aimed to assist governments in fast-tracking deployment of solar technologies by creating a conducive environment in the form of pro-solar policies and regulations, strong project pipelines and enable investor-friendly markets within their countries. The report is also useful for the international community (bilateral and multilateral organizations, corporations, industry and other stakeholders) to leverage their efforts towards the common goal of promoting solar to meet energy needs in an affordable, equitable, and sustainable manner.

Starting with a pilot report in 2019 covering four countries, the fourth edition of Ease of Doing Solar (2022) provides solar energy profiles of 107 countries.

Click for Country-wise Solar Energy Profiles
Select Region
  • Africa
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe and others
  • Latin America and Caribbean