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Article VIII - Partner Organization

1. Partner Organization status may be granted by the Assembly to organizations that have potential to help the ISA to achieve its objectives, including regional inter-governmental economic integration organizations constituted by sovereign States and at least one of which is a member of ISA.

2. Decisions regarding partnerships to be concluded in the context of a specific Programme are taken by countries participating in this Programme, with the approval of the Secretariat.

3. United Nations including its organs will be the Strategic Partner of the ISA.”


4. “Rule 33: Participation of Partner Organization

In accordance with Article VIII of the ISA Framework Agreement, Partner Organization status may be granted by the Assembly to the organizations that have the potential to help the ISA to

achieve its objectives, including regional inter-governmental economic integration organizations constituted by sovereign states and at least one of which is a member of the ISA. Pursuant to Article IV (5) of the ISA Framework Agreement, Partner Organizations may participate without having the right to vote in the decision making of the ISA.


Fee for granting partner organization status

The eligible partner organisations shall have to pay the following fee for being granted partner organization status of the ISA:

i. A minimum one-time contribution of US $ 1 Million for granting Corporate Partner Status for a period of ten years;

ii. An annual contribution of US $ 100,000 for granting Partner Status to Other Organisations; and

iii. No fee for granting Partnership Status to the United Nations, Multilateral, Intergovernmental, Bilateral Organisations, and Organisations that sign the Partnership agreement under Article VIII (2) of the ISA Framework Agreement.”

For more information please email to Mr. Shishir Seth at