
  • Private sector is responsible for >90% of solar investments
  • Policy barriers are the largest impediment to growth in global solar market
  • As a global platform with 110 member governments, ISA is uniquely positioned to convene private-public sector dialogues


Convene public and private stakeholders to support the Towards 1000 Vision of 1000 GW installed, $1000 Billion invested, energy access for 1000 Million people and 1000 Million Tonnes of Carbon emissions avoided.

The role of the Corporate Advisory Group will be to:

  • Share inputs/feedback on regulatory challenges, policy and unlocks for public stakeholders
  • Participate in ISA events and share private sector perspectives with our member countries
  • Exchange knowledge, ideas and targeted policy guidance on specific sub-themes impacting solar development around the world


Members will be nominated by the National Focal Points and ISA Secretariat, in addition to existing Corporate Partners. Each region (Latin America, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Others) will form a subcommittee consisting of all corporate members from that region.

A selection of members from each region will form an Apex body of 25-30 corporate members, with a mix of financiers, developers and manufacturers. The ISA Secretariat will select this subset on a lottery basis for regions/sub-sectors which are over-represented, to serve for a period of two years. The rotation will be staggered so that no more than half the members are replaced in a given year.

Sub-committees to address specific thematic areas (eg. Responsible taxes and tariffs, standard harmonization, manufacturing policy) will be formed as required.


  • Annual meeting (inaugural kick-off scheduled for September 21-23 on the side-lines of CEM in Pittsburgh)
  • Quarterly/Bi-annual meetings of regional/thematic (eg. Financing, manufacturing, development) to share knowledge and make specific policy guidance
  • Support ISA in developing case studies, model policies, etc. at various ISA knowledgebuilding events and engagements with public sector stakeholders
  • Formalize and participate in existing public-private dialogues (eg. ISA-AFIDA Round table on Large Scale Solar Parks in Africa, Tech for Solar Solar for Tech, private sector dialogues at regional committee meetings and other private-public convenings)
  • Provide feedback/guidance for public stakeholders and global bodies as required