Solar heating and cooling

Solarizing Heating and Cooling Systems


The International Solar Alliance (ISA) launched its seventh program of Solarizing Heating and Cooling Systems at its Third assembly in October, 2020. The main objective of the program is solarize the growing thermal demand from commercial, industrial, and residential sectors. One of the initial areas of focus for this program is the development of solar powered food cold chains for safer and longer preservation of food - significantly reducing post harvest food loss and potentially doubling farmers’ income. Such climate resilient cold chain infrastructure can reduce approximately 19-21 GtCO2e GHG emissions by 2050.

ISA and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) have been awarded funding to jointly implement a sustainable cold chain pilot project in Nigeria. This project is currently underway and is expected to be completed by December 31, 2021.

ISA has also applied for a Euro 1.3 million grant to the FFEM for the development of solar powered pack houses and cold stores in Senegal and Ghana. This project focuses on development innovative business mechanism to make sustainable cooling infrastructure available at a low cost for all. Decisions on this grant proposal are awaited.

Through these projects, ISA aims to demonstrate faster energy transition, whilst reducing global poverty and achieving targets under the Paris Agreement, Kigali Amendment and the Biarritz Pledge.

ISA is currently in the process of developing a pilot project on solarized and efficient food cold chains for implementation in Nigeria.